
Hayley's Healthy Habits: Mental Wellbeing

May 15, 2024

The following article was written by Hayley Jackson, DNP, MSN, FNP-BC. A board-certified family nurse practitioner, Hayley provides Express Care Services at Wood River Health. She is passionate about holistic patient-centered care, lifestyle medicine and women’s health.

Mental Wellbeing
Mental health and mental wellness is a significant factor in overall health. We recognize this further in dedicating the month of May to mental health awareness. Each person has unique circumstances such as genetic predispositions, personality traits, and socioeconomic factors that can impact one’s mental health and capacity to manage their wellness. Circumstances aside, anyone can help encourage mental health awareness and support loved ones with simple interventions.

Stop the Stigma
Don’t be afraid to talk about mental health with your loved ones. To feel is to be human. The more we openly talk about mental wellness, the less stigmatized it will be. This can be as simple as checking in with a friend during a stressful period, checking in with family at the dinner table, or even expressing your emotions vulnerably to someone you trust.

Build Community
Support and community are key factors in mental wellness. For many people, their local communities are where they make many close relationships. Being active in hobby groups such as gardening, nature, or book clubs, others such as churches and local exercise groups can increase social support. Also, joining clubs may expose you to new hobbies and interests that you weren’t aware of!

Get Trained
Consider becoming trained in QPR. This is a quick and easy training that teaches about suicide prevention. The aim is to train as many people as possible in order to know the signs and how to help someone struggling with suicidal thoughts. This training is appropriate for any person regardless of professional background. See below for a link to the website.



This article is not intended to treat, diagnose, or manage anyone’s physical or psychiatric health. This article is intended to create discussion, create community, and inform. Please discuss your specific health and psychiatric concerns with your personalized team of professionals or emergency services if you feel this is appropriate.